European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (2018)

Academic Degrees

B. Sc. Math. University of Ljubljana1977
M. Sc. Math.Florida State University1979
Ph. D. Math.Florida State University1983

Academic Membership

1996 Elected to the Slovenian Academy of Engineering
1998 Elected to the New York Academy of Sciences
2004 Elected to the European Academy of Sciences
2017 Elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
2022 Elected to the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti

Awards and Honors

1991, 1995 Steklov Mathematical Institute Citation
1995 Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia for Science
1997 Prize of the Republic of Slovenia for Science
2006 Slovenian Research Agency Best Research Program
2009 Bogolyubov Memorial Medal
2014 Honorary Doctorate
2018 University of Ljubljana Golden Plaque
2018 Slovenian Research Agency Excellence in Science
2019 Elsevier-JMAA Conference on the occasion of the 65th birthday
2020 Opuscula Mathematica issue on the occasion of the 65th birthday
2021 Most Cited Mathematician in the field of Geometry and Topology
2021 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher
2022 Stanford University World’s Top 2% Scientist
2023 Mathematics in Slovenia Leader Award

Academic Fellowships

1973-1977 Boris Kidrič Undergraduate Fellowship
1977-1978 Boris Kidrič Graduate Fellowship
1978-1979 Research Council of Slovenia Graduate Fellowship
1978-1980 Fulbright Grant
1998, 2001 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship

Academic Positions

1983-1987 Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana and
Scientific Associate, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana
1988-1993 Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana and
Senior Scientific Associate, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana
1993-present Professor, University of Ljubljana and
Scientific Councillor, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana

Academic Visiting Positions

1986-1987 Visiting Professor, University of Texas, Austin
1988-1997 Visiting Researcher, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow
1991 Visiting Professor, University of Trieste
1992 Visiting Professor, University of Nantes
1992-2012 Visiting Professor, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
1998, 2001 JSPS Senior Scientist, University of Tokyo

Professional Activities

1983-2008 Head, Topology and Geometry Group, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana
1983-present Chairman, Geometric Topology Seminar, University of Ljubljana
1984-1990 Senior Consultant, Institute of Metallurgy, Ljubljana
1985-1986 Senior Consultant, Research and Development Institute, Iskra Telecom, Kranj
1989-1994 Vice-President, Committee for International Cooperation, University of Ljubljana
1990-1991 Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana
1990-present Head, Chair for Topology and Geometry, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana
1991-1993 Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana
1991-1999 Member, UNESCO National Committee, Ljubljana
1991-present Member, National Mathematics Coordinator Personal Core, Ljubljana
2006-2009 Member, Scientific Council, European Academy of Sciences, Brussels
2006-present Member, National Committee for Mathematics, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ljubljana
2009-2021 Head, Nonlinear Analysis, Topology and Geometry Group, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana
2022-present Head, Topology Group, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana

Current Research Grants

2004-2027 Slovenian Research Agency national research program (P1-0292)

Past Research Grants

1980-2003 Slovenian Research Agency national research programs (C1-0101, C1-0501, P1-0214, P0-0509)
1995-2020 Slovenian Research Agency national research projects (J1-0885, J1-2057, J1-4144, J1-5435, J1-6128, J1-7025, J1-7039, J1-8131, J1-9643)
2018-2021 Slovenian Research Agency – Austrian Science Fund (Lead Agency) collaborative research project (N1-0083)
2012-2013 Montenegro-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-ME/012-13-001)
2005-2006 French-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-FR/05-06/015)
1998-2005 Italian-Slovenian bilateral projects (97001, BI-IT/02-05-009)
1998-1999 Israeli-Slovenian bilateral project
2003-2007 Japanese-Slovenian bilateral projects (BI-JP/03/04/2, BI-JP/05-07/1)
2001-2002 Chinese-Slovenian bilateral project (KIT-04-14/2002)
2006-2009 Hungarian-Slovenian bilateral projects (BI-HU/06-07/001, BI-HU/08-09-004)
1995-1997 Macedonian-Slovenian bilateral project (MAKMAT/95)
1998-2011 Polish-Slovenian bilateral projects (SLO/POL-24(2002-2003), BI-PL/04-05-004, BI-PL/08-09-010, BI-PL/10-11-001)
2012-2013 Romanian-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-RO/12-13-002)
1991-2021 Russian Federation-Slovenian bilateral projects (BI-RU/05-07-004, BI-RU/08-09-002,BI-RU/10-11-002, BI-RU/12-13-001, BI-RU/14-15-001, BI-RU/16-18-002, BI-RU/19-20-009)
2008-2010 Slovakian-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-SK/08-09-003)
2004-2006 Spanish-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-ES/04-05-014)
2012-2014 Turkish-Slovenian bilateral project (BI-TR/12-14-001)
2003-2012 Ukrainian-Slovenian bilateral projects (BI-UA/03-04-002, BI-UA/05-06-007, BI-UA/07-08-001, BI-UA/09-10-005, BI-UA/11-12-001)
1998-2018 United States-Slovenian bilateral projects (SLO-US-2002/01, BI-US/04-05/35, BI-US/05-06/002, BI-US/06-07-003, BI-US/08-09-003, BI-US/11-12-004, BI-US/13-14-022, BI-US/16-17-005, BI-US/18-19-003)

Professional Membership

Internet sources